Design Research, play Based Learning

Changing attitudes among young girls and women about menstruation


The objective was to educate the girls and women of UP and Haryana with information on menstrual health and hygiene and address myths related to menstruation connect with discrimination and violence faced by girls and women. By giving information on What, Why and How of periods, we built two games that addressed the Feeling of being dirty /घिन (Disgust) through play and game-based learning.

Outline of the villages visited

  • Economically backward areas

  • Flood prone areas

  • Wheat farming

  • Education - primary and upper primary

  • Existing programs on MHM: Distribution of pads, no other form of education on MHM  


Mindset around Menstruation


What words do they associate with periods?

घिन, अशुद्ध, गन्दा

शर्म, दर्द, समस्या

What would you wish to do during your period?

The most common wish was to  play. 

They want to play kabadi, rope jumping, football.

What do they feel during periods

They feel dirty

Don't feel like sitting with anyone

They feel irritated

Don't feel like talking to anyone

What Questions do you have around periods?

खून कहाँ से आता है?, पीरियड्स क्यूं होते हैं?

पीरियड आने समय क्यूँ पापा और भाई के साथ बात नहीं करते

पीरियड के बारे में जानना है कि पीरियड्स क्यों आते है?

खराब खून क्यों होता है?, पीरियड्स आने में हम क्या कर सकते है?

IMG_5884 copy.jpg

Persona 1

“मुझे किसी से बात करने में शर्मिंदगी और डर नहीं है”

“डॉक्टर भी तो लड़के होते है”

Persona 2

“इस बारे में बात करना मना है”

Persona 3

“हम ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा माँ और बहन से ही बात कर सकते है”

दिहात मैं ऐसे ही होता है



  • Lack of basic knowledge about MHM

  • Periods cause the feeling of disgust

  • It is bad blood and is considered dirty

  • “periods are necessary to give birth to kids” 

  • They were open to learning 

  • They have very low understanding of the visuals/icons related to MHM

  • They can read well, but not everyone are comfortable with writing.

  • Most of them want to know more about periods. The What, How and Why

  • Myths are internalised, they have accepted it to be part of periods. Their socio economic conditions at times force them to break these myths.

  • They have been asked not to talk about periods but some girls are willing to talk about this in front of everyone. However, it might not be appropriate to talk in front of boys as they tease and make fun. Hence the game has to be kept only for girls

  • It may not be possible to segregate boys and girls at the community mela


Game Testing and Trials


This project was done with Kaboom Social impact (for Breakthrough). Final output is confidential.